Animal Product

Those are hardcore training packs!..welcome HARDCORE peeps!

ANIMAL PM 30packs
RM180 free shipping

Animal PM is a staple supplement that can be taken year round to promote optimum recovery. To take full advantage, try using it as part of “The Ultimate Recovery Stack.” Pair it up with other staples, Animal Pak and Animal Nitro to maximize your body's ability to recover. Take Pak with breakfast, Nitro immediately post workout and PM right before bed. Remember to take in the necessary whole food calories and protein to support such a hardcore stack, and be sure to put an emphasis on sleep. Train hard and sleep hard and you'll be on your way to making serious gains in strength, performance and size in no time.

daily dose:
Take a single pack 30-45 minutes before bed. For best results, take on an empty stomach. If you use an evening protein shake allow 30 minutes for digestion before taking Animal PM. Animal PM can be stacked with any other product in the Animal line, including foundational staples like Pak, Flex and Omega and cycled products such as Stak or Test

RM200 free shipping

Animal Pump can be taken year round, without cycling off. Like Animal Pak, Animal Flex and Animal Nitro/G, Pump is designed as a core or “foundational supplement”. For bigger gains, consider stacking Pump with Stak.

daily dose:
To optimize the “pump” use one pack 30 minutes before your workout. Do not consume any whole foods or protein shakes between your daily dose of Animal Pump and your training session. In order to maximize results, be sure to stay hydrated and prioritize the uptake of fluids before and during training.

RM180 free shipping

Stack Animal Cuts with Animal Pak for optimal results. During a pre-contest dieting phase, you can add Animal Stak, Animal Test or Animal M-Stak to the mix to maximize muscle gains and conditioning.

daily dose:
Two packs per day, every day for 3 consecutive weeks on both training and non-training days.

RM180 free shipping

Animal Flex is designed as a core or "foundational" supplement, and contains required nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis in order to protect your joints from the over use and abuse that comes from heavy lifting. Flex can be taken year round without cycling off. It can be stacked with the other Animal supplements. 

daily dose:
To help protect your joints from the daily wear and tear brought about by heavy lifting, take one pack per day, either on an empty stomach or with a meal.

RM180 free shipping

As Animal Pump is a foundational supplement, you can take Animal Stak with it for additional benefits.

daily dose:
Take one pack daily for 3 consecutive weeks. On training days, take it 30 minutes prior to exercise. On non-training days, take it on an empty stomach, between meals. For best results, cycle this product following a schedule of three weeks on and one week off. This product can be “stacked” with Animal Pak for superior results. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

RM180 free shipping

Animal Omega can be taken year round, without cycling off. Like Animal Pak, Animal Flex and Animal Nitro, Omega is designed as a core or “foundational supplement”. As such, Omega stacks well with the rest of the foundational Animal supplements as well as with cycled products Stak and Animal M-Stak. A great cutting stack would be Animal Pak, Animal Cuts and Animal Omega.

daily dose:
Use Animal Omega as you would your regular essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement. If this is your first time, take Animal Omega with a meal and you're good to go. Use a pack or two daily, as you need it. Generally, a single pack will do fine for most. Elite athletes can consider doubling up the serving, or those with particular “therapeutic” goals.

RM200 free shipping

When you want to fully maximize muscle, performance, and strength, and you want to fully optimize your body's anabolic drive, stack Animal M-Stak with Animal Pump and Universal's Torrent.

daily dose:
Take one pack every day for 21 consecutive days. On training days, take a pack 45 minutes prior to exercise. On non-training days, take a pack in the morning or early afternoon.

RM200 free shipping

Like Animal Pak, we think Animal Nitro is a “foundational” supplement. It should be a staple in your nutritional arsenal. Animal Nitro can provide the body with the basic building blocks it needs to grow. You can stack it with Animal Pak or any other Animal supplement depending on your goals.

daily dose:
When lifting, there is a critical 4-hour anabolic “window of opportunity” that exists. To take advantage of this window, take 1 pack within 30 minutes following resistance training. For even better results, take 2 packs daily – the first immediately before lifting, and the second within 30 minutes after. If you use a post-training protein shake, wait at least another 30-45 minutes after you’ve taken the Animal Nitro pack before drinking your shake. Always take Animal Nitro on an empty stomach, preferably with 8 oz. of grape or other fruit juice
